Since Halloween is approaching I will share with you guys something
interesting about the Mexican culture. The Mexican culture has adopted many
days celebrated by other cultures that were never celebrated within the Mexican
culture. One of the days we never used to celebrate is Halloween. We were not
used to celebrating this kind of event, instead we celebrate El Dia de los
Muertos; at least that was the tradition. Now, since there is a lot of Mexican
American families living in the United States that travel to Mexico, the
tradition of Halloween has spread all around Mexico. At first, when Halloween wasn’t recognized
nor celebrated in Mexico nobody would talk about it. This was a very pointless
topic to Mexicans since we didn’t tend to celebrate it. Not that long ago some
families decided to start celebrating it and instead of calling it by its original
name, Halloween they call it “Noche de Brujas.” Since the tradition has spread
around Mexico, many teenagers, families etc. now celebrate this day by doing
what originally most American families started doing: dressing up as a sort of
animal, super hero etc. having a small party or a get-together with family and
friends. Since Mexicans started celebrating thing this day in Mexico they also
buy costumes, dress up and have a get together with their family and friends;
the only difference between the Halloween celebrated by Americans and Noche de
Brujas celebrated by Mexicans is that Mexicans don’t go trunk or treating like
Americans tend to do. I just thought I’d shared this with you guys so you can evaluate
how the American culture has influenced the Mexican culture.
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